With rough skin and pointy sharp saw-like crown leaves, pineapples usually succeed in defending themselves from harvesters and diners alike, and are generally considered to be among the most aggressive fruits consumed by humans. A cornered pineapple will not hesitate to inflict harm upon those who inattentively try to peel it or slice it. Please…
A chronology of the abacaxi
Abacaxi global! Centuries before discovering the New World, ananas and abacaxi were variations of the Tupi-Guarani language based words for the pineapple fruit. The plant originated in today’s Central Brazil and Paraguay and has been distributed widely from there up to Central America and Mexico. During his second voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus…
Olha o abacaxi
After feasting on a large plate of feijoada accompanied by some strategically interspersed cachaça shots, you turn the TV set on and let your body gently slide down the couch, until it finally turns the armrest into a headrest. It is a lazy Saturday afternoon in the mid 80s and the whole family is now…
As of a matter of abacaxi
Note: from this first line on we begin to call pineapples abacaxi, for pines and apples are something else entirely. When Frans Post (1612-1680) arrived in Recife in 1637, he came as part of a mission organised under the rule of Maurice of Nassau (1604-1679), who had then been recently appointed governor of the Dutch…
Abacaxi no Champanhe
Abacaxi no champanhe! Abacaxi no champanhe!Incrivelmente delicioso, cintilante e picante!Eu sou todo norueguês! Eu sou todo espanhol!Estou inspirado! Empunho a minha caneta! O guizo dos aviões! Carros em fuga!O apito do vento dos comboios expressos! A asa das boias!Alguém foi beijado! Alguém foi espancado!Os abacaxis no champanhe são o pulsar da noite! Num grupo de…